Analytics on FHIR®

Pathling makes it easier to use FHIR and clinical terminology for data analytics.
Query FHIR
Pathling loads FHIR data into Apache Spark, enabling you to query it using FHIRPath or SQL.
Tap into terminology
Pathling makes it easy to use terminology within your queries, using a FHIR terminology server such as Ontoserver.
Build apps
The Pathling FHIR API enables your web and mobile applications to perform population-level analytic queries.
Free and open source
Pathling is free and open source software, licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.
How do I get it?
You can get the Pathling libraries via PyPI, CRAN and Maven Central.
You can get the Pathling server image from Docker Hub.
The source code for Pathling is available on GitHub, along with issues, pull requests and release notes.
I still need help!
If you would like to report an issue with the software, please create an issue on GitHub.
If you would like to collaborate with us, please get in touch:
Pathling is a product of the Australian e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO.
All content on this site is dedicated to the public domain via CC0.
Design based on Paradigm Shift by HTML5 UP, available under a CC licence.
Logo derived from dotted path by Zach Bogart from The Noun Project, available under a CC licence.