Source code for pathling.core

#  Copyright 2023 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
#  Organisation (CSIRO) ABN 41 687 119 230.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

from typing import Any, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, Union

from py4j.java_collections import SetConverter
from py4j.java_gateway import JavaObject
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, SparkSession

[docs]class Function: """ Wraps a Python lambda function so that it can be passed to Java functions that expect a `java.util.function.Function` object. :param lambda_function: A Python lambda function that takes one argument. :param spark: A `pyspark.sql.SparkSession` object. """ def __init__(self, lambda_function, spark): self._lambda_function = lambda_function self._jvm = spark._jvm def _wrap_result(self, result: Any) -> Any: # we need to manually convert the python object result to the java object # result, so that it can be returned to the java side and py4j does not seem to be doing # it automatically. So we just call the identity() to force the conversion. return
[docs] def apply(self, arg): """ Invokes the wrapped lambda function with the given argument. :param arg: The argument to pass to the lambda function. :return: The result of the lambda function, converted to a Java object. """ return self._wrap_result(self._lambda_function(arg))
[docs] class Java: implements = ["java.util.function.Function"]
[docs]class SparkConversionsMixin: """ A mixin that provides access to the Spark session and a number for utility methods for converting between Python and Java objects. """ def __init__(self, spark: SparkSession): self._spark = spark @property def spark(self) -> SparkSession: return self._spark def _wrap_df(self, jdf: JavaObject) -> DataFrame: # # Before Spark v3.3 Dataframes were constructs with SQLContext, which was available # in `_wrapped` attribute of SparkSession. # Since v3.3 Dataframes are constructed with SparkSession instance directly. # return DataFrame( jdf, self._spark._wrapped if hasattr(self._spark, "_wrapped") else self._spark, ) def _lambda_to_function(self, lambda_function: Callable) -> Function: return Function(lambda_function, self._spark)
ExpOrStr = Union["Expression", str]
[docs]class Expression: """ Represents an FHIRPath expression that may have an optional name/alias. To make it easier to work with expressions, uses can alias this class with their own name, for example: 'exp' or 'fp' using import and then use the alias method to create labeled expressions. For example: ``` from pathling import Expression as fp fp('some FHIRPath expression').alias('some name') ``` """ def __init__(self, expression: str, label: Optional[str] = None): """ Initializes a new instance of the Expression class. :param expression: The FHIRPath expression. :param label: The optional label/alias for the expression. """ self._expression = expression self._label = label @property def expression(self) -> str: """ Gets the FHIRPath expression. :return: The FHIRPath expression. """ return self._expression @property def label(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Gets the optional label/alias for the expression. :return: The optional label/alias for the expression. """ return self._label
[docs] def alias(self, label: str) -> "Expression": """ Creates a new Expression object with the specified label/alias. :param label: The label/alias to use for the new Expression object. :return: A new Expression object with the specified label/alias. """ return Expression(self.expression, label)
[docs] def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple: """ Gets a tuple representing the expression and its optional label/alias. :return: A tuple representing the expression and its optional label/alias. """ return (self.expression, self.label) if self.label else (self.expression,)
[docs] @classmethod def as_expression(cls, exp_or_str: ExpOrStr) -> "Expression": """ Casts the specified expression or string into an Expression object. :param exp_or_str: The expression or string to cast. :return: An Expression object. """ if isinstance(exp_or_str, Expression): return exp_or_str return Expression(exp_or_str)
[docs] @classmethod def as_expression_sequence( cls, sequence_of_exp_or_str: Sequence[ExpOrStr] ) -> "Sequence[Expression]": """ Cast a sequence of expressions or strings into a sequence of Expression objects. :param sequence_of_exp_or_str: The sequence of expressions or strings to cast. :return: A sequence of Expression objects. """ return tuple( cls.as_expression(exp_or_str) for exp_or_str in sequence_of_exp_or_str )
[docs]class StringMapper: """ A wrapper for a Python lambda that can be passed as a Java lambda for mapping a string value to another string value. """ def __init__(self, gateway, fn): self._gateway = gateway self._fn = fn
[docs] def apply(self, arg): return self._fn(arg)
[docs] class Java: implements = ["java.util.function.UnaryOperator"]
[docs]class StringToStringSetMapper: """ A wrapper for a Python lambda that can be passed as a Java lambda for mapping a string value to a list of string values. """ def __init__(self, gateway, fn): self._gateway = gateway self._fn = fn
[docs] def apply(self, arg): return SetConverter().convert(self._fn(arg), self._gateway)
[docs] class Java: implements = ["java.util.function.Function"]