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FHIRPath supports the notion of functions, which all take a collection of values as input and produce another collection as output and may take parameters.

The notation used to describe the type signature of each function is as follows:

[input type] -> [function name]([argument name]: [argument type], ...): [return type]


collection -> allFalse() : Boolean

Takes a collection of Boolean values and returns true if all the items are false. If any items are true, the result is false. If the input is empty ({ }), the result is true.



See also: allFalse


collection -> allTrue() : Boolean

Takes a collection of Boolean values and returns true if all the items are true. If any items are false, the result is false. If the input is empty ({ }), the result is true.



See also: allTrue


collection -> anyFalse() : Boolean

Takes a collection of Boolean values and returns true if any of the items are false. If all the items are true, or if the input is empty ({ }), the result is false.



See also: anyFalse


collection -> anyTrue() : Boolean

Takes a collection of Boolean values and returns true if any of the items are true. If all the items are false, or if the input is empty ({ }), the result is false.



See also: anyTrue


collection -> count() : Integer

Returns the Integer count of the number of items in the input collection.


See also: count


collection<Coding -> designation(use: Coding, language: String) : collection<String>

When invoked on a collection of Coding elements, returns a collection of designation values from the lookup operation. This can be used to retrieve synonyms, language translations and more from the underlying terminology.

If the use parameter is specified, designation values are filtered to only those with a matching use. If the language parameter is specified, designation values are filtered to only those with a matching language. If both are specified, designation values must match both the specified use and language.

See Display, Definition and Designations in the FHIR specification for more information.


// Retrieve SNOMED CT synonyms.

The designation function is a terminology function, which means that it requires a configured terminology service. See Configuration for details.


The designation function is not within the FHIRPath specification, and is currently unique to the Pathling implementation.


collection<Coding> -> display(language?: String) : collection<String>

When invoked on a Coding, returns the preferred display term, according to the terminology server.

The optional language parameter can be used to specify the preferred language for the display name. It overrides the default value set in the configuration. See pathling.terminology.acceptLanguage in Terminology Configuration for details.


// With no argument

// Prefer German language.

The display function is a terminology function, which means that it requires a configured terminology service. See Configuration for details.


The display function is not within the FHIRPath specification, and is currently unique to the Pathling implementation.


collection -> empty() : Boolean

Returns true if the input collection is empty, and false otherwise.



See also: empty


collection -> exists() : Boolean
collection -> exists(criteria: [any]) : Boolean

Tests whether the input collection is empty. When invoked without arguments, exists() is equivalent to empty().not().

This function can also optionally accept an argument which can filter the input collection prior to applying the test. When invoked with an argument, exists([criteria]) is equivalent to where([criteria]).exists().

See also: exists


[any] -> extension(url: String) : collection

Will filter the input collection for items named extension with the given url. This is a syntactical shortcut for .extension.where(url = [String]), but is simpler to write. Will return an empty collection if the input collection is empty or the url is empty.


Your extension content will only be encoded upon import if your encoding configuration has specified that it should be. Data types and maximum depth of encoding are both configurable. See Configuration for more information.

See also: Additional functions


collection -> first() : collection

Returns a collection containing only the first item in the input collection. This function will return an empty collection if the input collection has no items.


See also: first


[any] -> iif(condition: Boolean, ifTrue: [any], otherwise: [any]) : [any]

Takes three arguments, the first of which is a Boolean expression. Returns the second argument if the first argument evaluates to true, or the third argument otherwise.

The ifTrue and otherwise arguments must be of the same type.

Example:, 'Doe', $this)

See also: iif


collection<Coding|CodeableConcept> -> memberOf() : collection<Boolean>

The memberOf function can be invoked on a collection of Coding or CodeableConcept values, returning a collection of Boolean values based on whether each concept is a member of the ValueSet with the specified url.

For a CodeableConcept, the function will return true if any of the codings are members of the value set.


The memberOf function is a terminology function, which means that it requires a configured terminology service. See Configuration for details.

See also: Additional functions


Boolean -> not() : Boolean

Returns true if the input collection evaluates to false, and false if it evaluates to true. Otherwise, the result is empty ({ }).


( contains 'Frank').not()

See also: not


collection -> ofType(type: Resource): collection

Returns a collection that contains all items in the input collection that are of the given type. It is often necessary to use the ofType function in conjunction with the resolve function, to resolve references that are polymorphic.



This function is currently only supported for use with the resolve function, for the purpose of disambiguating polymorphic resource references.

See also: ofType


collection<Coding> -> property(code: String, type: String = 'string', language?: String) : collection<String|Integer|DateTime|Decimal|Coding>

When invoked on a Coding, returns any matching property values, using the specified name and type parameters.

The type parameter has these possible values:

  • string (default)
  • code
  • Coding
  • integer
  • boolean
  • DateTime

Both the code and the type of the property must be present within a lookup response in order for it to be returned by this function. If there are no matches, the function will return an empty collection.

The optional language parameter can be used to specify the preferred language for the returned property values. It overrides the default value set in the configuration. See pathling.terminology.acceptLanguage in Terminology Configuration for details.

See Properties in the FHIR specification for more information.


// Select the code-typed property "parent".'parent', 'code')

// Select the "parent" property, preferring the German language.'parent', 'code', 'de')

The property function is a terminology function, which means that it requires a configured terminology service. See Configuration for details.


The property function is not within the FHIRPath specification, and is currently unique to the Pathling implementation.


Reference -> resolve(): collection<Resource>

The resolve function is used to traverse references between FHIR resources. Given a collection of References, this function will return a collection of the resources to which they refer.



The following types of references are not currently supported:

  • References to individual technical versions of a resource
  • Logical references (via identifier)
  • References to contained resources
  • Absolute literal references

See also: Additional functions


collection<Resource> -> reverseResolve(sourceReference: Reference): collection<Resource>

In FHIR, resource references are unidirectional, and often the source of the reference will be a resource type which is not the subject of the current path.

The reverseResolve function takes a collection of Resources as input, and a Reference as the argument. It returns a collection of all the parent resources of the source References that resolve to the input resource.



The reverseResolve function is not within the FHIRPath specification, and is currently unique to the Pathling implementation.


In regard to types of references supported, the same caveats apply as those described in the resolve function.


collection<Coding|CodeableConcept> -> subsumes(code: Coding|CodeableConcept) : collection<Boolean>

This function takes a collection of Coding or CodeableConcept elements as input, and another collection as the argument. The result is a collection with a Boolean value for each source concept, each value being true if the concept subsumes any of the concepts within the argument collection, and false otherwise.



The subsumes function is a terminology function, which means that it requires a configured terminology service. See Configuration for details.

See also: Additional functions


collection<Coding|CodeableConcept> -> subsumedBy(code: Coding|CodeableConcept) : collection<Boolean>

The subsumedBy function is the inverse of the subsumes function, examining whether each input concept is subsumed by any of the argument concepts.



The subsumedBy function is a terminology function, which means that it requires a configured terminology service. See Configuration for details.

See also: Additional functions


collection -> sum() : Integer|Decimal

Returns the sum of the numeric values (Integer or Decimal) in the input collection.



The sum function is not within the FHIRPath specification, and is currently unique to the Pathling implementation.


collection<Coding|CodeableConcept> -> translate(conceptMapUrl: String, reverse: Boolean = false, equivalence: String = 'equivalent', target?: String) : collection<Coding>

When invoked on a Coding, returns any matching concepts using the ConceptMap specified using conceptMapUrl.

The reverse parameter controls the direction to traverse the map - false results in "source to target" mappings, while true results in "target to source".

The equivalence parameter is a comma-delimited set of values from the ConceptMapEquivalence ValueSet, and is used to filter the mappings returned to only those that have an equivalence value in this list.

The target parameter identifies the value set in which a translation is sought a scope for the translation.


Condition.code.coding.translate('', true, 'equivalent,wider').display

The translate function is a terminology function, which means that it requires a configured terminology service. See Configuration for details.


The translate function is not within the FHIRPath specification, and is currently unique to the Pathling implementation.


DateTime|Date -> until(end: DateTime|Date, unit: String) : Integer

This function is used to calculate the difference between two Date or DateTime values. The result is returned as an integer, with the unit of time specified by the unit argument.


period.start.until(%resource.period.end, 'minutes')

The until function is not within the FHIRPath specification, and is currently unique to the Pathling implementation.


collection -> where(criteria: [any]) : collection

Returns a collection containing only those elements in the input collection for which the criteria expression evaluates to true. Elements for which the expression evaluates to false or an empty collection will return an empty collection.

The $this keyword can be used within the criteria expression to refer to the item from the input collection currently under evaluation. The context inside the arguments is also set to the current item, so paths from the root are assumed to be path traversals from the current element.


Patient.reverseResolve(Condition.subject).where(recordedDate > @1960).severity

See also: where