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Getting started

The easiest way to get Pathling up and running is to use the pre-built Docker image.

Instructions for installing Docker on your machine can be found here:

Once you have Docker installed on your computer, you can run an instance of Pathling by issuing the following command:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 aehrc/pathling

This will download and run a fully functional instance of Pathling, with sensible default configuration. Any data you load into this instance will not be persisted beyond the termination of the container, as you have not yet set up a persistent volume for storage.

The --rm option deletes the container after it has been stopped.

The -p 8080:8080 option maps the internal port 8080 (which is the port that Pathling runs on by default) to port 8080 on the host machine.

The aehrc/pathling image reference points to the latest image of Pathling on Docker Hub. Tags can be added to the end of the image reference to refer to particular versions of Pathling.

Using Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for running a container (or set of containers) using a configuration defined in a YAML file (known as a Docker Compose file).

You can find instructions for installing Docker Compose at: Install Compose

As an example of using Pathling with Docker Compose, we will create a simple Docker Compose file that sets up persistent storage, in addition to overriding several configuration parameters using environment variables.

version: "3"
image: aehrc/pathling:7
- 8080:8080
pathling.cors.allowedOrigins: http://localhost:3000
- pathling:/usr/share/warehouse
- /home/me/data:/usr/share/staging
driver: local

This file should be saved into a file named docker-compose.yml in the current directory. Then the following command can be issued to run the Pathling server:

docker-compose up

In this example, the image key is being used to refer to the latest 7.x version of the Pathling image on Docker Hub.

We are setting the pathling.terminology.serverUrl configuration variable to point to a particular FHIR terminology service endpoint.

The pathling.cors.allowedOrigins variable is set to http://localhost:3000, which will configure the CORS support in Pathling to allow a browser-based frontend application to integrate with the Pathling API.

For a full list of all available configuration variables, see Configuration.

In the volumes section, we set up two volumes: one for storing the warehouse data files, and one for importing data. The first volume, named pathling, is persistent but managed by Docker. The second volume is a "bind mount", where we are mounting an existing directory on our host operating system into the Docker container. This might be where we have our FHIR data stored. For more information, read Choose the right type of mount .

Now when we invoke the import operation, we can point Pathling to a filesystem URL, e.g. file:///usr/share/staging/Patient.ndjson. Pathling will persist this data within files that it stores in the pathling managed volume.